Two more Duplex - Bilimoria Consulting

Two more Duplex

  • Location - Rototuna North
  • Council - Hamilton City
  • Number - 612/2020

The site composed of 2 lots and is located on the north a cal-de-sac head.

The subdivision comprised approximately 97 new residential lots part of the 9.235Ha subdivision that serviced by the existing Horsham Downs Road and by a new road network called Waireka Road. The lot sizes range from around 500m2 to around 1,250m2.


Architectural plans submitted with the application detail the floor plans, materials, site coverage, outdoor living areas and service areas for each unit. All units are provided with an appropriate level of residential amenity that is anticipated for this density of development.

Each unit will be provided with sufficient and functional outdoor living areas and adequate service areas to meet the needs of the future occupants.

This duplex proposal has a good design features include access to sunlight, outdoor living space, outdoor service area, privacy and off-road parking. Incorporation of these features ensures functional and high-quality living environments for the occupants.


The size and scale of the duplex dwellings will have no material effects on the existing streetscape amenity. The duplex dwellings will be designed with windows and doors that face the transport corridor, helping to improve the streetscape amenity. The design of the duplex dwellings will provide good on-site amenity to residents. Fencing and the planting will provide privacy to each unit and improve the streetscape amenity of the site, and fencing and walls will tie in with the appearance of the duplex dwellings.


The design of the duplex dwellings will ensure that there are sufficient spaces on each site for residential activities to be undertaken on the site. The duplex dwellings will be designed to face the transport corridor, and the layout of parking will not be out of character with the amenity anticipated in the residential zone. The planting of vegetation in open areas in the front yards will assist in softening the built appearance of the site.

The site contains sufficient onsite amenities including permeable surfaces, outdoor living areas, service areas and parking areas. These areas break up the built form on the site and the permeable areas provide opportunity for landscaping to further enhance onsite amenity.


Adherence to the design guidelines of the Regional Technical Infrastructure Specifications and current best practice will provide a means for achieving good engineering solutions for the whole of the development.

General Inquiry

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