New Restaurant - Bilimoria Consulting

New Restaurant

  • Location - Otahuhu
  • Council - Auckland Council
  • Number - 650-2020

The proposed additions to the existing building on the subject site provides for larger area for the existing retail/food and beverage use that contribute to the viability of the business. The large areas of glazing to the front facade of the building enhance and contribute to the amenity and safety of the streetscape by reducing the bulk and appearance of blank walls to the street and providing passive surveillance over the streetscape.

The proposed additions to the existing building will maintain the entry and exit points of the overland flow path and the raised building attached to the existing ground floor of the building will not alter nor exacerbate the flow of the path through the site. There will be no change to the overland flow path and no effects to the adjacent neighbours. Thus, no condition is imposed on this consent regarding the overland flow path transecting the site.

The proposed flat wall-mount signage will not protrude to the road (or beyond the site), therefore they will not cause a distraction or conflict for vehicles and pedestrians transecting Avenue Road. The proposed signage does not dominate the facades of the building that are visible from the road and therefore will not impair the vision of moving vehicles, cyclists or pedestrians. The proposed signage overall provides wayfinding of the retail/food and beverage use and sense of place. Conditions are imposed on this consent for the size and area of the signages to be as per the approved plans and for any illumination to be in accordance to be with the Auckland Signage Bylaw 2015.


In terms of positive effects, the proposed additions to the existing buildings provides more area and internal space to contribute to the viability of the retail/food and beverage use. The use of the building also provides for a social gathering area for workers in nearby commercial services.

Overall, the proposal is considered to have less than minor adverse effects on the surrounding environment and neighbouring properties.


General Inquiry

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