Cafe in Frankton - Bilimoria Consulting

Cafe in Frankton

  • Location - Keddell St
  • Council - Hamilton City
  • Number - 256.2021

The proposal provides for a commercial activity in the Business 7 zone. The provision of a loading bay to the rear of the site will be screened from public view due to the location and will have a less than minor adverse effect on the existing commercial environment. The contains an existing building which is to be retained and therefore the proposed layout is heavily constrained by the existing buildings.

The proposal will provide for an accessible car park space, a loading area and a screened refuse area to the rear. There will be an area of soft landscaping to the front of the site, facing Keddell Street. Compliance with the submitted plans, including the landscaping proposals will achieve a development that will maintain commercial amenity values.

While the proposal infringes standards relating to minimum accessible parking requirements, the safety and efficiency of the wider road network and the operation of existing crossings are not adversely affected given the availability of on street parking in close proximity to the application site.

General Inquiry

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