3 units in Auckland - Bilimoria Consulting

3 units in Auckland

  • Location - Tiverton Rd
  • Council - Auckland
  • Number - 809/2022
  • To develop new buildings (and/or any additions to existing), as the development of new buildings or any additions has the same activity status as the land use activity, is a restricted discretionary activity under rule H5.4.1(A34).

  • The proposal involves use and development under rule H5.4.1(A34) that fails to meet the following core standards and is a restricted discretionary activity under rule C.1.9(2)

The proposal involves a construction of a new vehicle crossing where a Vehicle Access Restriction applies under Standard E27.6.4.1(3)(a). This is a restricted discretionary activity under rule E27.4.1 (A5).

To propose dwellings situated within an existing overland flow path is a restricted discretionary activity under rule E36.4.1(A42).

  • To undertake general earthworks of 548m2 and 262.5m3, as the earthworks are greater than 500m2 and 250m3 in a residential zone, is a restricted discretionary activity under rules E.12.4.1(A4) and (A8) respectively.


Overall, the proposal is acceptable and can be granted consent, subject to conditions, as the proposal is consistent with the Auckland Unitary Plan (Operative in Part).


General Inquiry

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    You may also call us on 021 250 6931