Additional Crossing in Huntington - Bilimoria Consulting

Additional Crossing

Additional Crossing in Huntington

  • Location - Huntington
  • Council - Hamilton City
  • Number - 946/2023

The application is for a land use consent for the construction of an additional vehicle crossing to provide accessible access to an existing service area. The proposal is described and detailed on the plans submitted with the application documents. The proposed vehicle crossing will not affect any utilities amongst the transport corridor berm. The existing vehicle crossing will continue to be used as the primary vehicle entrance for the dwelling.

Due to the uninterrupted sightlines along Palliser Drive, the vehicle crossing infringement is not expected to adversely impact the safety and efficiency of the transport corridor, subject to the mitigation imposed via conditions of consent.

The additional vehicle crossing will not present as being overly dominant to the transport corridor and the addition of two street trees to be planted in the berms of 69 Palliser Drive will offset any potential adverse streetscape amenity effects.

Construction of the vehicle crossing, and common area allows for all-weather use and helps to protect the amenity values of the site and neighbouring properties. Formation of the parking and manoeuvring areas allows for all-weather use and helps to protect the amenity values of neighbouring properties. Designing and implementing a system for the treatment and management of stormwater runoff will ensure that people and properties are protected, and ecological values preserved.

General Inquiry

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