2 Duplex Buildings in Chartwell - Bilimoria Consulting

2 Duplex Buildings in Chartwell

  • Location - Chartwelll
  • Council - Hamilton City
  • Number - 516/2019

Architectural plans submitted with the application detail the floor plans, materials, site coverage, outdoor living areas and service areas for each unit. I consider that all units are provided with an appropriate level of residential amenity that is anticipated for this density of development.

Each unit will be provided with sufficient and functional outdoor living areas and adequate service areas to meet the needs of the future occupants.

This duplex proposal has a good design features include access to sunlight, outdoor living space, outdoor service area, privacy and off-road parking. Incorporation of these features ensures functional and high-quality living environments for the occupants.

The development would retain a ‘reasonable’ standard of amenity for adjoining sites insofar as ‘reasonable’ amenity is reflected by the level of residential development and conditions anticipated in the zone.

General Inquiry

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