2 Lot Subdivision at Hetherington Rd - Bilimoria Consulting

2 Lot Subdivision at Hetherington Rd

  • Location - Hetherington Rd
  • Council - Waikato District
  • Number - 919-2923

Consent for a Discretionary Activity under the Operative District Plan AND a Non-Complying Activity under the Proposed Waikato District Plan – Appeals Version:

  1. The actual and potential effects created by the proposal are acceptable for the following reasons:

(a)  The general lot subdivision will not result in any notable change to the land given the boundaries will encompass the existing farm building.

(b)  The lot sizes and layout will ensure the balance lot can continue its grazing farming activity with no disruption.

(c)  The application has been supported by a Geotechnical Report and a Land Use Capability assessment, where the productive capacity of the land will be retained.

(d)  Additional residential unit rights created as a result of subdivision will be located on non HPL land.

  1. The proposal is consistent with the objectives and policies of the Operative District Plan and not contrary to the objectives and policies in the Proposed Waikato District Plan – Appeals Version.
  2. The subdivision meets the provisions of section 106 of the RMA because legal and physical access is provided for, and the applicant has addressed the risks of natural hazards through design and mitigation measures proposed.
  3. The proposal is consistent with the operative Waikato Regional Policy Statement, the NPS-HPL and all other relevant matters.
  4. Overall, the proposal meets the purpose (section 5) and principles (sections 6-8) of the Resource Management Act 1991.
General Inquiry

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