2nd Dwelling in Rural Zone - Bilimoria Consulting

2nd Dwelling in Rural Zone

  • Location - Ngaruawahia
  • Council - Waikato District
  • Number - 611/20

To construct a principal dwelling that will exceed the permitted building coverage and earthworks provisions within the Rural Zone.

The proposal is to construct a 370m2 dwelling comprised of five bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 2 ensuites, kitchen, scullery, office, dining/living/family area and 3 covered outdoor patios/alfresco areas. A three car garage is also proposed. The principal dwelling will be constructed 20 metres from the existing ancillary dwelling on site. The maximum height of the dwelling will be 5.1 metres. The ancillary unit is 70m2, however the attached double car garage and covered pergola brings the total coverage up to 137m2.

The actual and potential effects created by the proposal are acceptable because;

  • The effects of the second dwelling and ancillary unit are no greater than that of a principal dwelling and a dependent persons dwelling. Dispensation has been granted for a second dwelling on the site.
  • The application has been able to demonstrate that the stormwater effects as a result of exceeding building coverage can be managed on site. Retention of the Glasshouses will not create an adverse visual or servicing effect.
  • The application has been reviewed by Council’s Land Development Engineer, who is satisfied that subject to conditions of consent that any effects can be mitigated
  • Erosion and sediment control measures will be implemented and maintained until such time as 80% ground cover has been achieved.

General Inquiry

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