3 Lot Sub in Avondale - Bilimoria Consulting

3 Lot Sub in Avondale

  • Location - Avondale
  • Council - Auckland Council
  • Number - 809S-2022

In summary, the site accommodates dwellings which have been legally established and that the proposed subdivision will not exacerbate flooding risks as the conveyance of the overland flow path will be maintained and a consent notice will be imposed to ensure this occurs in a continuing basis.

In accordance with an assessment under s104(1)(c) of the Resource Management Act, no other matters are considered relevant.

In accordance with an assessment under s106 of the Resource Management Act 1991, it is considered the proposal and subsequent use of the site will not exacerbate flooding risks to the site itself and to the adjacent and surrounding environment, as the redirection of the overland flow path has been assessed an approved under the previous land use consent LUC60397582 and a consent notice will be recommended to ensure the conveyance of the overland flow path is maintained and not obstructed.

In the context of this restricted discretionary activity application for subdivision, where the relevant matters of control in the AUP(OP) were prepared having regard to Part 2 of the RMA, they capture all relevant planning considerations and contain a coherent set of policies designed to achieve clear environmental outcomes. They also provide a clear framework for assessing all relevant potential effects and there is no need to go beyond these provisions and look to Part 2 in making this decision as an assessment against Part 2 would not add anything to the evaluative exercise.

General Inquiry

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