32 Units & Subdivision at Papamoa - Bilimoria Consulting

32 Units & Subdivision at Papamoa

  • Location - Papamoa
  • Council - Tauranga City
  • Number - 362/2018

The proposal is for a comprehensive residential development of the site at Papamoa. Specifically, the proposal involves the development of 32 residential units on 32 separate allotments. The exact configuration of the residential units consists of six standalone units, and 13 duplexes. The 32 allotments will be access via a shared access lot (Lot 33), which is to be connected to the existing Lane.

The applicant seeks consent to for a comprehensive residential development of the site at the Lane. Specifically, the proposal involves the development of 32 residential units on 32 separate allotments. The allotments will be accessed via an oversubscribed access lot, and stormwater and water services within the access lot will be private. The proposal is described in the application prepared by Bilimoria Consulting Ltd.

It has been determined that allowing this activity, subject to the conditions as set out, will avoid any unacceptable actual and potential effects on the environment. In particular, the proposed access lot serving the 32 allotments will acceptable in terms of functionality and safety, and will not result in any unacceptable adverse character and amenity effects on the environment.

The layout, design, and density of the subdivision is consistent with the intensions of the City Plan for the Zone, and provides various sized allotments and dwellings to serve the housing needs of Tauranga. The servicing of the development is considered acceptable. The changes to the levels of the site are also considered to be acceptable and consistent with the finished levels of the adjoining residential allotments. The proposal will result in positive effects in regards to providing for additional housing supply for Tauranga.

The application has been considered against the relevant matters under section 104 and 104C of the Resource Management Act 1991. As a Restricted Discretionary activity the Council’s consideration of the application is restricted with particular regard being given to the matters of control and matters of discretion of the City Plan, and will avoid any unacceptable actual and potential effects on the environment. As such it is considered appropriate to grant consent to the proposal in accordance with section 104C of the Resource Management Act 1991.

General Inquiry

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