6 Duplex Buildings & Subdivision @ Inuwai Rd - Bilimoria Consulting

6 Duplex Buildings & Subdivision @ Inuwai Rd

  • Location - Peacocke
  • Council - Hamilton City
  • Number - 810/2022

The application is for a land use consent for six single level duplex units on a site to the south of Inuwai Street. The units will all gain access directly off Inuwai Street utilising six shared crossings with widths of 5.5m each. Each of the proposed units will contain three bedrooms around a large internal living/dining/kitchen space. Each proposed units will be provided compliant outdoor living and service areas to the rear of the site, with landscaping and a single external on site car park to the front. To avoid dominance of the streetscape, each Unit will vary slightly in appearance. Density of the proposed development results in average around 200.9m2 of exclusive area per unit. The proposal infringes

Earthworks to establish the site have been undertaken at the stage of the underlying subdivision. Earthworks associated with this application include only those related to the establishment of the six 88m2 foundations and associated 28m2 hardstand parking areas. The applicant states this will not exceed the 500m3 permitted earthworks volume (estimating only 317m3 of earthworks will be required to establish foundations), hence it is within the permitted standard and therefore there are no resource consent requirements for the enabling works.

The proposal will have the following positive effects:

  • It will facilitate additional housing that will contribute towards the social, economic, and cultural well-being aspects of the purpose of the RMA.
  • The proposal represents an efficient use of the subject site, establishing units compliant with expected density provisions of the Operative District Plan, adequately served by existing/proposed infrastructure, and including landscaping that will enhance the amenity of the development and wider streetscape as the development matures.

Having regard to section 104 of the Act, the actual and potential adverse effects on the environment of granting consent are acceptable as the proposal is consistent with the relevant objectives and policies and assessment criteria, and will promote the sustainable management of natural and physical resources.

General Inquiry

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