Billboard in Tauranga - Bilimoria Consulting

Billboard in Tauranga

  • Location - Marsh St
  • Council - Tauranga City
  • Number - 909/2023

The proposal is to erect a two-sided LED digital sign capable of displaying a mixture of static and animated images. The structure will have a total height of 12 metres from the existing ground level, with two signs located at the top of the structure in a “V” formation with dimensions of approximately 12.21 metres width and 3.8 metres height for a total area of approximately 46.39m2 each side. Within the total area of the sign, the illuminated LED portion of the sign is approximately 12.16 metres in width and 3.2 metres in height for an area of approximately 38.91m2. The proposed sign will be visible to traffic using the flyover in both directions, being constructed perpendicular to the State Highway 2 flyover and parallel to Chapel Street. The ‘Proposed Plans’ included with the application, demonstrates the bulk and location of the sign.

This application has been considered compliant with the provisions of the Tauranga City Plan and NES-CS, as described above.

Overall, it is concluded that the proposed digital sign is a permitted activity under the Tauranga City Plan and can be lawfully carried out on the site without a resource consent. Therefore, a certificate of compliance must be issued in accordance with section 139(5) of the Resource Management Act 1991.


General Inquiry

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