Duplex Dwelling
- Location - Melville
- Council - Hamilton City
The proposal was to convert the existing house (116m2) into a Duplex dwelling as per the provision provided in the Proposed Plan and create two fee-simple lots.
Duplex dwellings: Means a residential building comprising two attached residential units. For the avoidance of doubt, residential units physically connected by one or more accessory buildings, such as garages, will also be deemed to be attached.
The proposal complies with the relevant performance outcomes and is not contrary to the objectives, policies and assessment criteria of the Proposed District Plan. The application is consistent with the purpose and principles of the Resource Management Act 1991. It is considered that any adverse environmental effects from the proposal can only be deemed to be minor.
The proposal is provided for within this zone and is considered appropriate as it will be carried out in a manner which maintains privacy, amenity and is capable of being supported by the existing services in the area. It is considered that any adverse environmental effects from the proposal are acceptable.
The building is ecstatically designed, and it is considered that any potential adverse effects on the environment will be less than minor.