Eye Clinic - Bilimoria Consulting

Eye Clinic

  • Location - Te Rapa
  • Council - Hamilton City
  • Number - 682/2020

Healthcare services facilities are specifically provided for in the Industrial Zone. The facility will primarily be designed to focus on eye health, with two additional vacant tenancies that can also be used for health care purposes. All activities on the site will be undertaken indoors and is not expected to create any reserve sensitivity effects on adjoining properties to the site. The proposed level and type of landscaping proposed is consistent with the character of the surrounding area and will enhance the amenity of the Industrial Zone.

The site is located within an Industrial Zone that provides a range of non-industrial activities and is immediately adjoining an established Business Zone. The proposed healthcare activity is not sensitive to other activities in close proximity and does not constitute a hazard to any existing activity.

The proposed sign will be softened by the proposed landscaping along this frontage that includes the planting of a number of specimen trees. The proposed size of the sign is not considered to be out of character with the industrial zone where large buildings are anticipated, and where signage of this size is permitted on a larger site.

The existing site profile will not change. Proposed consent conditions will provide for erosion and sediment management. These requirements will ensure that no temporary adverse effects will arise.

The proposal has demonstrated how efficient use will be made of water and how stormwater will be managed to avoid adverse effects on existing infrastructure and on the wider environment. Connections will be required to the public water and wastewater reticulation network and engineering requirements for water, wastewater and stormwater (raingarden) will ensure that the development will be adequately provided with services when completed.

The proposed health care service will provide a compliant number of parking spaces and will operate on a booking system, ensuring that there are no unnecessary trips made to the site. The proposed development is able to be accommodated within the existing transport network, given the peak demand is on Saturdays when the heath care facilities will not be operating. Thus the existing capacity of the network is appropriate to manage the increase traffic demand from the proposed activity without requiring any upgrades to the network, and that the proposed health care facility is able to operate on a basis that will not give rise to any adverse safety and efficiency effects on the existing and consented environment.


Having regard to section 104 of the Act, the actual and potential adverse effects on the environment of granting consent are acceptable as the proposal is consistent with the relevant objectives and policies and assessment criteria, and will promote the sustainable management of natural and physical resources.

General Inquiry

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