Garden Bar - Bilimoria Consulting

Garden Bar

  • Location - Hood St
  • Council - Hamilton City
  • Number - 282/2021

The proposal is to establish a garden bar at  Hood Street. In summary, the application site at Hood Street is proposing a garden bar in association with the restaurant located at nextdoor. The garden bar is proposed to have outdoor pergolas that will be used for customer seating and a small performance stage area. By having an inside restaurant and garden bar, this will allow for different dining and socialising experiences. Only minimal earthworks will be required for the works.

The proposal provides for the efficient use of land for the Central City Zone, wherein such patterns of development are anticipated and provided for. The application site is currently a vacant allotment used for parking. The garden bar will be an interim use until works for the five-storey hotel commences. The garden bar will attract people into the central city, and I believe the proposal provides an attractive location for all people to stay connected.

General Inquiry

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