Heath service, childcare facilities and cafe activities - Bilimoria Consulting

Heath service, childcare facilities and cafe activities

  • Location - Te Rapa
  • Council - Hamilton City
  • Number - 248/2021

The application is for a land use consent to establish health care services, a childcare facility and a cafe on the site. The proposal includes the construction of two buildings on the site, one which will accommodate the childcare and the other which will accommodate three healthcare tenancies and a cafe.

The following is proposed:

Childcare Activity

The proposed childcare centre will be located on the western side of the site and has been designed to provide space for 110 children. The proposed building will have a GFA of 670m2, with 120m2 on the upper level being set aside for a staff and administration area. There is an outdoor play area measuring 593m2 to the north, south and west of the building. The childcare will immediately adjoin a parking area to the east of the building. Acoustic fencing measuring 1.8m in height will be constructed along the north-western and south-western boundaries of the childcare centre site.

Healthcare Activity

The proposed healthcare will be located within the building on the eastern side of the site. The healthcare will have a GFA of 1,325m2 GFA of healthcare. This building will be predominately single level, with the exception of a small portion of the building at the southern end where there will be an upper level providing 120m2 of ancillary space to the healthcare activity.

The healthcare activity includes a pharmacy that will occupy 110m2 of the buildings GFA. The applicant has indicated that the pharmacy will be 80% prescription and 20% supplementary medical supplies. They have indicated that the pharmacy is intended to be ancillary to the Health Centre and will have an internal access from the healthcare area.

The applicant has advised that there will be 6 consultants and 14 staff required to operate the healthcare activities on the site. They have indicated that during weekends that there will be 3 healthcare consultants operating from the site.

The applicant has indicated on the plans that there will be a radiology operating from the building, however they have indicated to Council that they have not confirmed the healthcare uses proposed within the building.

Cafe Activity

The proposed cafe will have a GFA measuring 150m2. The applicant has confirmed that any outdoor areas for the cafe will not exceed 20m2. The cafe will be within the building housing the health care activities.

Site layout and design The proposed buildings will be constructed around a parking area that will provided for 78 parking spaces, with 6 stacked parking spaces to the south of the childcare centre building. Access will be obtained from two vehicle crossings on Karewa Place and an access from the right of way adjoining the eastern boundary of the site. The proposal includes pedestrian connections around the site.

Landscaping is proposed around the building, parking areas and along the Karewa Place frontage. Stormwater will be managed through raingardens prior to being discharged to the stormwater main that runs beneath the site.

Health care services and childcare facilities are specifically provided for in the Industrial Zone. All health care related activities on the site will be undertaken indoors and therefore are not expected to create any reserve sensitivity effects on adjoining properties to the site. The proposed level and type of landscaping proposed is consistent with the character of the surrounding area and will enhance the amenity of the Industrial Zone.

The details provided with the application demonstrate that the proposed pharmacy activity will be able to operate as an ancillary retail activity to the heathcare activity proposed on the site.

The proposed childcare facility is considered to be compatible with the existing land uses and development in the surrounding environment. Any outdoor areas associated with the childcare centre will be separated from the site by an acoustically designed fence. The effects of the proposed activity onsite have been assessed and are considered to be acceptable; any cumulative effect resulting from the proposal will not detract from the character and amenity of the Industrial Zone and the immediate vicinity.

The site is located within an Industrial Zone that provides a range of non-industrial activities and is relatively close to the land within the Business 4 Zone. The proposed healthcare and childcare activities are not considered to be sensitive to any existing activities in close proximity, nor does it not constitute a hazard to any exiting activity.

The applicant proposes to construct an acoustically designed fence along the north-western and south-western boundaries where there are outdoor areas shown on the proposed plans. Council’s Environmental Health Manager has reviewed the information submitted with the application and is satisfied the cumulative noise level (from all sources on the subject site) is unlikely to exceed the noise limit applying within the Industrial Zone, subject to the implementation of the proposed acoustic measures.

The proposal addresses the streetscape, improves the connection between the site and the public space, with the design of the building providing visual interest through a number of features such as a range of cladding/materials, colours and transparency to be used.


General Inquiry

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