Land use and Subdivision : 10 units
- Location - Melville
- Council - Hamilton City
- Number - 956/2023
The land use application proposes to construct ten detached dwellings. The units will range in size from two storey and single storey, with Units 2, 4 and 6 being two storeys, and the remaining being single storey. Units 1, 3, 5, 7-10 will each contain a single car garage, three bedrooms, two bathrooms and an open plan kitchen, living and dining area. Units 2, 4 and 6 each contain a single car garage, bathroom and open plan kitchen, living and dining area on the ground floor, and three bedrooms and two bathrooms on the first floor. Each unit is provided with a 20m2 outdoor living area and 5m2 service area.
The subdivision application proposes ten fee simple residential lots (Lots 1-10) and three access lots (Lots 100, 101 and 102) around the indicative boundaries created by the ten dwellings proposed from the concurrent land use consent. Lots 1 to 10 will range in size from 155m2 to 235m2 and will be residential allotments. Three Right of Way easements are proposed to provide access to the rear lots created which are shown as Lot 100, 101 and 102 on the scheme plan. The subdivision will be undertaken in three stages, with Lot 1, 2 and 100 forming Stage 1, Lot 3 -6 and 101 forming Stage 2 and Lots 7-10 forming Stage 3.
Character and Amenity and Design and Layout:
The proposed subdivision will follow the indicative boundaries created by the concurrent land use consent and cannot proceed in isolation. The subdivision will create lots that are suitable for their intended residential use.
Natural Hazards:
The northern portion of the site is generally suitable for NZS 3604 foundations, while the southern lots may be subject to further investigations and design. Councils Consultant Geotechnical Engineer has reviewed the application and the Site Suitability Assessment prepared by AECOM and are satisfied with the findings and recommendations. Conditions of consent have been recommended accordingly.
While the proposal infringes standards relating to maximum crossing number, the safety and efficiency of the wider road network and the operation of existing crossings are not adversely affected given the site distances achieved and low speed roading environment. Conditions of consent have been recommended accordingly. A land covenant has been recommended to ensure that the visibility of the Right of Way is not impeded by structures and landscaping associated with Unit 8.
Three Waters Infrastructure:
The proposal has demonstrated how efficient use will be made of water and how stormwater will be managed to avoid adverse effects on existing infrastructure and on the wider environment. Connections will be required to the public water and wastewater reticulation network and engineering requirements for water, wastewater and stormwater (re-use and rain garden) will ensure that the development will be adequately provided with services when completed.
Legal Access:
Each allotment is provided with sufficient access to the transport network via the proposed Right of Ways
Having regard to section 104 of the Act, the actual and potential adverse effects on the environment of granting consent are acceptable as the proposal is consistent with the relevant objectives and policies and assessment criteria and will promote the sustainable management of natural and physical resources.