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- Location - Otahuhu
- Council - Auckland
In terms of section 104(1)(a) of the RMA, the actual and potential effects of the proposed development will be no more than minor. In particular, activities within the existing building are consistent with the surrounding activities along Atkinson Avenue. All activities are internal and well screened from adjacent residential sites. From site observation, it is satisfied that there is sufficient parking provision on site to meet the necessary demand without creating further pressure on the local road network. Council's traffic expert confirms the current parking layout, loading area and access points to be acceptable.
In terms of section 1 04(1)(b) of the RMA, the application is consistent with the objectives and policies of the Mixed Use zone which allow the development of vibrant urban areas by enabling a diverse and compatible mix of residential, business, educational and leisure activities in areas of the city. The proposal is consistent with the relevant assessment for any permitted or controlled activity located within 30 metres of a residential zone under Clause given the proposal would not place further pressure on the existing capacity of the road network and vehicle movement on site are controlled to protect amenity of adjoining residential properties.
The site is also zoned Mixed Use under the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan (PAUP). The proposal is consistent with the relevant objectives and policies as it provides commercial activity that support the vitality of the local centre. As outcomes under both operative and proposed plans are similar, no weighting assessment is required.
In terms of section 104(1)(c) of the RMA, other relevant matters, including monitoring and development contribution, have been considered in the determination of the application.
Conditions are imposed to restrict hours and operation of delivery vehicles at the rear of the existing building.
In terms of Part 2 of the RMA, the proposal is consistent with section 5-8, because it would be a sustainable and functional use of the existing land resource, whilst maintaining the amenity of the surrounding environment.
Taking the above into consideration it can be concluded that the proposal will have effects on the surrounding environment that are acceptable and will be consistent with the objectives, policies and assessment criteria of the operative District Plan, PAUP and Part 2 of the RMA.