New Dwelling
- Location - Waihi
- Council - Western Bay of Plenty District Council
- Number - 581/2019
The applicant proposes to construct a two level 117m2, four bedroom house, with a 62m2 upper storey deck along the north and eastern elevations. The upper floor, supported on pile foundations, with include all the living areas of the house, with ground level be used for vehicle parking only. The exterior cladding will be vertical board and batten, double glazed joinery and balustrading and metal roofing. The upper floor will have a finished floor level of 5.3m Moturiki Datum. A 30m2 concrete slab will be built on the ground level for parking, with reminder left as bare ground. The dwelling will connect to Council’s reticulated services.
The proposal includes a second level deck that will be setback 974mm from the northern boundary (yard non-compliance of 526mm) and 946mm from the eastern boundary (yard non-compliance of 554mm). The deck balustrading and parts of the eastern and southern roofline will also encroach the daylighting plane.
Council is satisfied that any adverse effects on the environment are no more than minor and are adequately avoided, remedied or mitigated by the conditions of consent and does not adversely affect any other parties other than those who have provided their written approval.
The Resource Consent Application prepared by Bilimoria Consultants Limited titled “Resource Consent Application for a Dwelling”, dated 8 April 2020 has been assessed and pursuant to s42A(1B) of the Resource Management Act 1991, the relevant assessment sections of the application have been adopted unless commented on in this report.