New Shop in Otahuhu
- Location - Otahuhu
- Council - Auckland
The building was built in 1947 and occupied for many years by a motor-cycle service business and then for a period of time by the Salvation Army second hand clothing store, followed by use as a church. No resource consent has been granted for the change of use from motor services to the other activities.
The proposal was to convert back to retail and storage use with office.
The proposal will have an effect on character, residential amenity, road network capacity and the operation of the intersection. Any actual and potential effects will be avoided, remedied or-mitigated as follows:
The proposal maintains the commercial character of the immediate environment as it provides activities that are anticipated in this area and generally consistent with other activities within the immediate area. Furthermore, no physical changes are proposed to the built environment with existing access and driveway ramp to remain unaltered. The proposal will result in acceptable character effects on the wider environment and adjacent sites.
Retail activity of this scale and its associated traffic effects are generally anticipated in this Mixed Use zone. Additionally, the site is located within the Otahuhu Centre where the road network, being District and Regional Arterial Road has adequate capacity for higher volumes of traffic movement. Furthermore, the built environment at the site is existing and was previously occupied by commercial activity with associated traffic effects. Taking these factors into consideration, the proposal will have effects on the existing road network and operation of the intersection that are acceptable and generally indiscernible from the existing environment.
The proposal will generate visual and aural effects on adjoining properties that will be generally indiscernible from effects of the existing environment. The retail activity will be established within an existing building with no changes proposed to the external facades of the building, the existing access or the driveway ramp. Further, the proposed 1.8m high solid fence visually screens the parking area from the residential properties. The applicant also confirms compliance to the Noise standard as it applies to the residential boundary. Taking the above into account, the proposal maintains the existing character of this site and does not detract from the existing level of amenity afforded to these residential properties where the enjoyment of their properties are significantly diminished. Effects on residential amenity are therefore acceptable.
In terms of positive effects, the proposal establishes an appropriate activity within the Otahuhu Retail Centre in a building that is currently vacant. Additionally, the proposal provides employment opportunity and a business need within the locale whilst ensuring that effects are adequately mitigated or avoided. This creates a positive effect within this business and adjoining residential environment.
Overall, it is considered on balance that any actual or potential effects are acceptable within the context of the surrounding commercial environment.