Place of Worship in Industrial zone - Bilimoria Consulting

Place of Worship in Industrial zone

  • Location - Frankton
  • Council - Hamilton City
  • Number - 517/2019

It is proposed to make alterations to an existing unoccupied building to establish a Place of Worship. The site is located in an industrial zoned area but is surrounded by a mix of recreation/leisure, commercial and industrial type activities.

The alterations to the building are largely internal. The alterations will not be visible from a public space and therefore are considered to be a minor activity which pertains the Permitted Activity status. The undertaking of a place of worship in the Industrial Zone is provided for as a Restricted Discretionary Activity.

The expected numbers of people at the various times that would be using the facility.

The site is zoned Industrial, where Industrial activities are able to establish and operate within the zone in an efficient and effective manner.The Industrial Zone provisions seek to ensure that industrial land is not occupied by land activities that are non-industrial, unless they are either ancillary to industrial activity, support industrial activities, or are more appropriately located within an industrial environment than a business centre. This will reduce the potential for industrial land to be diluted by non-industrial activities, resulting in pressure for new industrial land to be zoned elsewhere, and for existing industrial land to be rezoned for commercial activity.

It is considered that subject to appropriate conditions of consent, the proposal satisfies s104 because as demonstrated the adverse effects on the environment will be no more than minor and the proposal will not be contrary to the objectives and policies of the District Plan.

After evaluating the proposal against Part 2 of the RMA, it is concluded that the application seeks to redevelop land in a sustainable manner that is intended for the area, and minimise adverse effects on adjoining properties.

The potential effects on the environment of the proposal to redevelop this site for this building have been addressed. The proposal is considered appropriate for the area, and will be carried out in a manner that maintains levels of amenity and environmental quality that is considered appropriate for this established neighbourhood.

The proposal is not inconsistent with the purpose and principles of the Resource Management Act 1991, or the Objectives and Policies of the Operative District Plan.

General Inquiry

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