RURAL Boundary Relocation
- Location - Lake Waikare
- Council - Waikato District
- Number - 221/2021
Pursuant to s88 of the Resource Management Act 1991, Bilimoria Consulting Ltd (the Agent) has applied on behalf of T N E Nikau (the Applicant) for subdivision consent to undertake a boundary relocation between two Titles in the Rural Zone that are not in common ownership and where one Title does not meet the definition of a ‘viable Record of Title’.
Lots 1, 4-8 will be amalgamated together to form a 119.55ha Title. Lot 2 (12.49ha) will be transferred to the same ownership of Lake Waikare (Te Whakakitenga o Waikato Incorporated) and will be amalgamated with RT 5845551.
The actual and potential effects created by the proposal are acceptable because
- No additional development potential is created as a result of the proposal.
- Sufficient Space will be retained within Lots 1 & 3 & 4-8 for the provision of on-site servicing.
- The proposal will relocate a boundary to wholly include a Significant Natural Area within the boundaries of one Title.
- Provision for public access is provided for via a Conservation Covenant agreement between the applicant, Ministry of the Environment and Waikato Regional Council.
- The Maaori Site of Significance will remain wholly within one Record of Title.
The proposal is consistent with the objectives and policies of both the Operative and Proposed District Planning Documents.
The subdivision meets the provisions of section 106 of the RMA because legal and physical access is provided for and the applicant has addressed the risks of natural hazards through design and mitigation measures proposed.
The proposal is consistent with the operative Waikato Regional Policy Statement and all other relevant matters.
Overall the proposal meets the purpose (section 5) and principles (sections 6-8) of the Resource Management Act 1991.