Setback Dispensation - Bilimoria Consulting

Setback Dispensation

  • Location - Te Rapa
  • Council - Hamilton City
  • Number - 477/2017

The proposal is to add wholesale retail and trade supplier use plus a laboratory and research facility at the rear next to the Open Space Zone.

Assessed as a restricted discretionary activity.

  • Rule 9.4.1 Building Setbacks: Any boundary adjoining any Residential, Special Character or Open Space Zones  8m setback is required.
  • Rule 9.4.5 PermeableSurface:Permeability across the entire site to be minimum of 10%.
  • Rule Landscaping: A 2m wide planting strip shall be required along any boundary adjoining an Open Space Zone or transport corridor.
General Inquiry

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    You may also call us on 021 250 6931