Truck Depot
- Location - Ngaruawahia
- Council - Waikato District
The Applicant has applied, pursuant to Section 88 of the Resource Management Act 1991, for a retrospective Land Use consent to extend an existing commercial activity the Rural Zone. The Applicant is running a trucking depot since 1990 on the property and currently has 27 trucks on site. The Applicant requires to house more vehicles, and is applying to run a maximum of 30 trucks from the site.
The Applicant has identified that the most significant adverse effects to the surrounding environment will be noise, but has produced the Written Approval of the surrounding neighbours.No other changes are expected for the business, in regards to other aspects such as signage and hours of operation. There will be a minor increase in vehicle movements, however it will be well below the maximum permitted by the Operative District Plan.
The total area of the site is 4.2268ha. The remainder of the property consists of typical Rural Zone farmland. There is sufficient area on site for parking. There are several existing buildings on site, including a dwelling, a car shed, a workshop stock yards and extensive parking for both trucks and staff car parks. Several “buns” surround the parking area of the truck. There is a gas line running through the property but it is a significant distance away from ‘the proposed extension of the parking area for the trucks.
The trucks are tip bulk units carting pitsand and metal from sandpits and quarries to house sites, road works and farm races. We also work on sites under diggers. Our usual hours of operation are Monday to Friday and half a day Saturday, with the trucks leaving the yard between 6.30-7.00am and returning between 5.30-7.00pm.
On site we have a workshop/office building situated approximately 100 metres from the road with truck & trailer parking behind it. Onsite maneuverability is good with plenty of metaled area for the trucks to move around on. We have a metaled parking area for staff in front of the workshop.